USLS - Chartered Valuers (Pvt) Ltd
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What we offer
-Visa valuations
-Valuations for accounting purposes
-Valuations for capital gains tax
-Valuations for stamp duty
-Mortgage valuations
Key highlights of USLS Chartered Valuers (Pvt) Ltd.
1. Oldest Valuation Company in Sri Lanka - Been in the Industry Since 1973
2. Members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS – UK) |
3. Fellow Member of the Institute of Valuers of Sri Lanka (IVSL)
3. No. 1 Valuation Company in Sri Lanka
4. Valued over 2ooo billion rupees worth of properties
Loyal Clients
1. Commercial Bank
2. Hatton National Bank
3. John Keells Holdings
4. Union Bank
5. BOC
6. Prime Lands
7. People’s Bank
8. Home Lands
9. Robbialac
10. National Savings Bank
11. Sanasa
12. Hayleys
Call to get a free estimate
Posted/edited: 61 days ago