
Trincomalee in Hambantota

8 results

Green Acres

Been in the industry since 1973 and we are proud to say that we're the leading chartered valuation firm in Sri Lanka. Call for a free consultation We specialize...

USLS - Chartered Valuers (Pvt) Ltd

Call to get a free estimate What we offer Visa valuations Valuations for accounting purposes Valuations for capital gains tax Valuations...

Drove Syndicate

We are a Professional Company involved in Property Valuation and Sworn Translation based in Fort Galle. We provide following services to client ? Visa purposes valuation ...

Drove Syndicate -The trusted name for Valuation

Court Commissioner and Valuer provide property valuation report for • Visa (UK, Australia, Canada etc), 100% guarantee, 100% responsive, quick o Visa valuation is an essential...

USLS Chartered Valuers Pvt Ltd The oldest valuation firm in SL

USLS Chartered Valuers (Pvt) Ltd The oldest valuation firm in SL Call for a free quote. We have been in the industry since 1973 and we are the leading chartered valuation firm in...

Why should we get a property appraisal before selling a property

Why should we get a property appraisal before selling a property? For sellers, appraisals are used for a variety of reasons. One, to get an idea of ​​the current selling price...

Property valuation reports for visa

PROPERTY CONSULTATIONS AND VALUATION SERVICE IN SRI LANKA 01. Valuation for property selling and buying 02. Assets valuation for accounting purpose 03. Mortgage valuation ...

Sales, Rentals, Commercial Property, Land

Colombo Property Hub Introduces , CPH Interior Services in collaboration with EunMin (South Korea's No. 01 Interior Design company and world top 100). We have collaborated with a world...